Navigating the Registry

Navigating the Registry

The Ripple Registry is a powerful tool when leveraged to its full potential by your team. Having your ideal group of potential participants available with just a few clicks can save your lab a great amount of time and will empower your team to work more efficiently and get more done. This article will serve as a Registry 101 on how to effectively navigate the registry, set up searches and filters, and managing participants.

The Ripple Registry 


You will find your Ripple registry by clicking the “Registry” button in the top right corner of your screen. Note: Only site admins and users assigned registry access permissions will be able to see the registry button and enter the registry. You can learn more about assigning participants here.

Searching and Filtering the Registry


Searching (Red) and Filtering (Blue) are the two primary tools to find participants in your registry:

  • Searching the registry allows you to put in custom inquiries to find exact matches of participant Names, Global IDs, Tags, Ethnicities, and more.
  • Filtering the registry allows you to use pre-defined variables to find all of your participants that fit into these categories, such as pre-set variables like Age or user-created custom variables like Medications Taken.

You can learn more about Searching and Filtering your registry and how they interact here:

Searching for Specific Participants

The search bar in registry allows you to enter custom searches into your registry to find a specific participant by name, a group of participants by Family ID, the portion of your registry that is of Asian descent, or various other similar searches.

To search for a participant, simply click in the search bar and enter your custom search. In the examples below you will see searches of Ethnicity and Family ID:



Family ID



Registry Filters

Registry filters allow you to segment your registry using predefined variables. These include both Ripple preset variables and custom variables your lab can create for your registry/studies.

To create a new filter, click the green Add Filter button in your registry:


Once you click the Add Filter button, you will see a new filter box ready to put in your designated filter:


Once you have your filter box, you can select your designated filter with the drop down menu button on the left and select how you would like to filter it with the box on the right, and what value you would like to filter by in the third box on the bottom:



Ripple provides certain preset variables that include: Age, Sex/Gender, Studies (that participants are enrolled in), Tags (that your team has assigned to them), Ethnicity, Race, City, State, Participant Status (Enrolled, Potential, On-Hold, etc.), and. Last Contact (last date your team has contacted this participant). In addition to this your team can create any custom variables that best suit your lab’s needs.

More information can be found on how the filtering tool works can be found here:


If you're searching for numerical or text-based values that include a decimal place or period, make sure to add quotes around it. For example, if you're searching for participants with a BMI of 28.7, your search should read "28.7". This will ensure that you're getting the most accurate result.

Managing Participants

After you have successfully Searched or Filtered your registry to find your target participant(s), you have an array of tools to be able to edit their profile as well as enroll them in studies.

With the Add Participant button, you can add participants directly to your registry if they are not enrolled in an active study:



Once you have you found the group of participants you are looking for you can add them individually or as a group to studies you would like to consider/enroll them into For this example, I filtered my registry using three filters: those not already enrolled in my study (Jon Test Study), those whose age is greater than 40, and those who use hearing devices or a cochlear implant:


To add them all to a study:

  1. Click the box to the left of one of the participant’s name (red)
  2. Click to Select All button (blue)
  3. Click the drop down list of Studies and select your study (green)
  4. Click the Apply button (Orange)

Note: Using this process, you can also Delete participants from your registry.




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