Product Update Version 2.0.17 - Released 21-Aug-2024

In this release, we focused on important defect fixes such as removing obstacles from the eConsent process, ensuring a copy of eConsent is sent to the participant, and a small change to screen functionality that improves navigation efficiency.


Correcting eConsent Automation

Previously, when countersigning eConsents, the forms were not being logged and subsequent automation was not happening. Now, when an eConsent is countersigned the remaining logging and automation (automated emails, logging into the Forms and Consent logs, and consent signed date capture) occur as expected.


Copy of Consent form Sent to Participant

When you countersign a consent form, an email is supposed to automatically go to the participant as their fully executed copy of consent. This was not happening, but has been fixed with this release.


Screen Selection Focus 

Previously, when you added a new log entry under the Email, Contact, Consent, or Text logs and marked it as a contact, the focus on the screen would shift to the Comment logs. This has been fixed and the focus now stays on the Add screens, confirming your item has been added.

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