How To: Use the Two-Step Deletion Process

To ensure that there aren’t accidental deletions of information in Ripple some parts of the system require a two-step process. These include:

  • Participants from a Study
  • Participants from the Registry
  • A consent form from the Consent Log on their Profile Card
  • A survey from the Survey Creator
  • A study

Deleting a Participant from the Registry, a Consent Log item, or a Survey:

When a user clicks a button to delete a participant from a Study or the Registry or a survey from the study, a prompt will appear requiring them to type in the word “DELETE” in all caps before the item is deleted.


Deleting a Study:

When a user wants to delete a study, they must first archive their study. Once they locate the archived study, they’ll have the option to delete the study.



Users cannot retrieve a participant, survey, consent log, or study that they delete.

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